0 dans la catégorie Preprints
50 dans la catégorie Articles
t15/202 Modular Graph Functions,
D Hoker, Eric, Green M.B., gurdogan, o, Vanhove P.
Commun.Num.Theor.Phys 11 165-218 (2017)
t15/135 Local mirror symmetry and the sunset Feynman integral,
Bloch S., kerr, m, Vanhove P.
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 21 1373-1453 (2017)
t15/134 Proof of a modular relation between 1-, 2- and 3-loop Feynman diagrams on a torus,
D Hoker, Eric, Vanhove P., Green M.B.
Journal of Number Theory 07 022 (2015)
t15/018 The Equivalence Principle in a Quantum World,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Donoghue, John, El-Menoufi, Basem Kamal, Holstein B., Planté L., Vanhove P.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 24-12 1544013 (2015)
t15/012 On the modular structure of the genus-one Type II superstring low energy expansion,
d'Hoker E., Green M.B., Vanhove P.
JHEP 1508 041 (2015)
t14/148 Graviton-Photon Scattering,
Vanhove P., Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Planté L., Holstein B.
Phys. Rev. D 91 064008 (2014)
t14/108 Bending of Light in Quantum Gravity,
Vanhove P., Planté L., Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Donoghue, John, Holstein B.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 061301 (2015)
t14/020 Scattering Equations and String Theory Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Damgaard P.H., Tourkine P., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. D 90 106002 (2014)
t14/015 A Feynman integral via higher normal functions,
Vanhove P., Bloch S., kerr, m
Compositio Mathematica 151 2329-2375 (2015)
t14/009 SL(2,Z)-invariance and D-instanton contributions to the D^6R^4 interaction,
Vanhove P., Green M.B., Miller, S.D.
Commun. Numb. Theor. Phys. 9-2 307-344 (2015)
t13/356 Small representations, string instantons, and Fourier modes of Eisenstein series (with an appendix by D. Ciubotaru and P. Trapa),
Green B., Miller D., Vanhove P.
Journal of Number Theory 146 187 (2015)
t13/219 The physics of quantum gravity,
Vanhove P.
C.R. Physique 15 547-552 (2014)
t13/217 The elliptic dilogarithm for the sunset graph,
Bloch S., Vanhove P.
Journal of Number Theory 148 328 (2015)
t13/019 On-shell Techniques and Universal Results in Quantum Gravity,
Vanhove P., Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Donoghue, John
JHEP 02-2014 111 (2014)
t12/057 One-loop four-graviton amplitudes in N=4 supergravity models,
Tourkine P., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. D 87 045001 (2012)
t11/189 An R^4 non-renormalisation theorem in N=4 supergravity,
Tourkine P., Vanhove P.
Class. Quantum Grav. 29 115006 (2012)
t11/188 Small representations, string instantons, and Fourier modes of Eisenstein series (with an appendix by D. Ciubotaru and P. Trapa),
Green M.B., Miller, S.D., Vanhove P.
t11/124 The vanishing volume of D=4 superspace,
bossard G., Vanhove P., Howe, P.S., Stelle, K.S.
Class. Quantum Grav. 28 215005 (2011)
t10/145 The Momentum Kernel of Gauge and Gravity Theories,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Damgaard P.H., Sondergaard T., Vanhove P.
JHEP 1101 001 (2010)
t10/045 The critical ultraviolet behaviour of N=8 supergravity amplitudes,
Vanhove P.
t10/039 Eisenstein series for higher-rank groups and string theory amplitudes,
Green M.B., Miller, S.D., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
Commun. Numb. Theor. Phys. 4 551-596 (2010)
t10/030 Monodromy and Jacobi-like Relations for Color-Ordered Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Damgaard P.H., Sondergaard T., Vanhove P.
JHEP 1006 003 (2010)
t10/012 String theory dualities and supergravity divergences,
Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
JHEP 1006 075 (2010)
t10/001 Automorphic properties of low energy string amplitudes in various dimensions,
Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. D 81 086008 (2010)
t09/092 Minimal Basis for Gauge Theory Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Damgaard P.H., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 161602 (2009)
t09/086 Non-renormalization conditions for four-gluon scattering in supersymmetric string and field theory,
Berkovits N., Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0911 063 (2009)
t09/032 Surprising simplicity of N=8 supergravity,
Vanhove P., Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 18 2295-2301 (2009)
t08/156 Simplicity in the Structure of QED and Gravity Amplitudes,
Badger S.D., Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0902 038 (2009)
t08/100 Modular properties of two-loop maximal supergravity and connections with string theory,
Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0807 126 (2008)
t08/057 Absence of Triangles in Maximal Supergravity Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0810 006 (2008)
t08/019 Higher-loop amplitudes in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism,
Grassi P.A., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0905 089 (2009)
t08/018 Explicit Cancellation of Triangles in One-loop Gravity Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0804 065 (2008)
t07/126 Low energy expansion of the four-particle genus-one amplitude in type II superstring theory,
Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0802 020 (2008)
t06/156 Ultraviolet Properties of Maximal Supergravity,
Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 131602 (2007)
t06/127 Non-renormalisation Conditions in Type II String Theory and Maximal Supergravity,
Green M.B., Russo J.G., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0702 099 (2007)
t05/123 Duality and higher derivative terms in M theory,
Green M.B., Vanhove P.
JHEP 0601 093 (2006)
t04/141 Topological M Theory from Pure Spinor Formalism,
Grassi P.A., Vanhove P.
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 9 285-313 (2005)
t04/102 Covariant One-Loop Amplitudes in D=11,
Anguelova L., Grassi P.A., Vanhove P.
Nucl. Phys. B 702 269-306 (2004)
t03/088 String loop corrections to the universal hypermultiplet,
Antoniadis I., Minasian R., Theisen S., Vanhove P.
Class. Quantum Grav. 20 5079-5102 (2003)
t02/035 Non-compact Calabi--Yau Manifolds and Localized Gravity,
Antoniadis I., Minasian R., Vanhove P.
Nucl. Phys. B 648 69-93 (2003)
t01/138 Chiral splitting and world-sheet gravitinos in higher-derivative string amplitudes,
Peeters K., Vanhove P., Westerberg A.
Class. Quantum Grav. 19 2699-2716 (2002)
t01/068 U-duality from Matrix Membrane Partition Function,
Sugino F., Vanhove P.
Phys. Lett. B 522 145-154 (2001)
t01/063 Closed Strings from SO(8) Yang-Mills Instantons,
Minasian R., Shatashvili S.L., Vanhove P.
Nucl. Phys. B 613 87-104 (2001)
t00/116 Supersymmetric higher-derivative actions in 10 and 11 dimensions, the associated superalgebras and their formulation in superspace,
Peeters K., Vanhove P., Westerberg A.
Class. Quantum Grav. 18
t99/100 Two loops in eleven dimensions,
Green M.B., Kwon H.-h., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. D 61
t99/071 Low-energy expansion of the one-loop type-II superstring amplitude,
Green M.B., Vanhove P.
Phys. Rev. D 61
t98/097 Matrix String Partition Functions,
Kostov I.K., Vanhove P.
Phys. Lett. B 444 196-203 (1998)
t97/193 Heterotic/type I duality and D-brane instantons,
Bachas C., Fabre C., Kiritsis E., Obers N.A., Vanhove P.
Nucl. Phys. B 509
t97/192 One loop in eleven dimensions,
Green M.B., Gutperle M., Vanhove P.
Phys. Lett. B 409
t97/191 D-Instantons, strings ans M-theory,
Green M.B., Vanhove P.
Phys. Lett. B 408
12 dans la catégorie Proceedings
t13/218 The physics and the mixed Hodge structure of Feynman integrals,
Vanhove P.
t12/016 Gravity, strings, modular and quasimodular forms,
Petropoulos P.M., Vanhove P.
t11/013 Monodromies and the structure of gauge and gravity amplitudes,
Vanhove P.
35th ICHEP
t10/023 Monodromy and Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations for Gravity Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Vanhove P.
arXiv:1003.2396 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
t09/190 On the ultraviolet behaviour of N=8 supergravity amplitudes,
Vanhove P.
12th Marcel Grosmann Meeting
t08/050 On Cancellations of Ultraviolet Divergences in Supergravity Amplitudes,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Vanhove P.
Fortschr. Phys. 56 824-832 (2008) 3rd RTN Workshop (Valencia, Spain)
t05/094 A note on topological amplitudes in hybrid string theory,
Käppeli J., Theisen S., Vanhove P.
t04/115 Localized gravity in non-compact superstring models,
Kohlprath E., Vanhove P.
arXiv:hep-th/0409197 in: Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on High Energy Physics (QUARKS-2004)
t03/199 Towards complete string effective actions beyond leading order,
Peeters K., Vanhove P., Westerberg A.
Fortschr. Phys. 52 630-635 (2004) in: Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory
t03/054 Localized (super)gravity,
Antoniadis I., Vanhove P.
in: Proceedings of the International Conferences 20 Years of SUGRA
: Proceedings of the International Conferences 20 Years of SUGRA
in: Proceedings of the International Conferences 20 Years of SUGRA
and Search for SUSY and Unification (SUGRA20) /
t00/117 Supersymmetric R^4 actions and quantum corrections to superspace torsion constraints,
Peeters K., Vanhove P., Westerberg A.
arXiv:hep-th/0010182 Fradkin Memorial Conference and Non-Commutative Structure in in Mathematics and Physics (ARW)
t00/102 Higher-derivative corrections to M-theory towards a superspace approach,
Peeters K., Vanhove P., Westerberg A.
in: Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the
: Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the
in: Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the
memory of Professor Efim Fradkin. Quantization, Gauge
6 dans la catégorie Ouvrages
t15/159 Les imaginaires en géométrie,
Vanhove P.
t08/093 String Theory and the Real World: From Particle Physics to Astrophysics,
Vanhove P.  (Eds.)
t08/038 String Theory and the Real World: From particle physics to astrophysics,
Vanhove P.  (Eds.)
t07/058 Actes de l'Ecole de Cargčse,
Vanhove P.
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 171 1-346 (2007)
t06/129 Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II. On Conformal Field Theories, Discrete Groups and Renormalization,
Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P., Vanhove P.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007
t03/191 Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry I. On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions, and Dynamical Systems,
Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P., Vanhove P.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
6 dans la catégorie Cours
t15/011 Illuminating Light Bending,
Bjerrum-Bohr N.E.J., Holstein B., Donoghue, John, Planté L., Vanhove P.
t11/015 Perturbative Quantum Gravity,
Vanhove P.
t07/164 Non renormalisation theorems in Superstring and Supergravity Theories,
Vanhove P.
t07/006 Hybrid formalism and topological amplitudes,
Käppeli J., Theisen S., Vanhove P.
t99/142 Methods in M-theory,
Vanhove P.
t97/190 BPS saturated amplitudes and non-pertubative string theory,
Vanhove P.
NATO Science Series C 520
2 dans la catégorie These
t07/063 Théorèmes de non renormalisation en théorie des cordes,
Vanhove P.
t98/161 Au bout de la corde... la théorie M,
Vanhove P.
1 dans la catégorie Seminaire
t96/165 De la physique non pertubative,
Vanhove P.
0 dans la catégorie Misc