Comité extérieur d'évaluation du SPhT
Lundi 03/12/2007, 09:30
Amphi Claude Bloch, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers
9:30 Yves Caristan Welcome
9:55 Henri Orland Introduction
10:15 Stéphane Nonnenmacher Dynamical Systems, Chaos and Turbulence
10:30 Philippe Di Francesco Random Geometries and Statistical Physics
10:45 Hubert Saleur From Conformal Field Theory to Random Geometries
11:00 Break
11:15 Pierre Vanhove Strings and Quantum Gravity
11:30 Patrick Valageas Cosmology
11:45 Philippe Brax Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model
12:00 Edmond Iancu Strong Interactions
12:15 Giulio Biroli Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Disordered Systems
12:30 Lunch: buffet
14:00 Grégoire Misguich Condensed Matter
14:15 Henri Orland Biological Systems and Soft Condensed Matter
14:30 End of the talks