All $AdS_7$ solutions of type II supergravity
Dario Rosa
Università Milano-Bicocca
Mercredi 20/11/2013, 11:00-12:30
Pièce 026, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers
In M-theory, the only $AdS_7$ supersymmetric solutions are $AdS_7$ x $S^4$ and its orbifolds. We find and classify new supersymmetric solutions of the type $AdS_7$ x $M_3$ in type II supergravity. While in IIB none exist, in IIA with Romans mass (which does not lift to M-theory) there are many new ones. We use a pure spinor approach reminiscent of generalized complex geometry. Without the need for any Ansatz, the system determines uniquely the form of the metric and fluxes, up to solving a system of ODEs. Namely, the metric on $M_3$ is that of an $S^2$ fibered over an interval; this is consistent with the Sp(1) R-symmetry of the holographically dual (1,0) theory. By including D8 brane sources, one can numerically obtain regular solutions, where topologically $M_3 = S^3$.
Contact : rsavelli