EMS-IAMP Summer school on Quantum Chaos
Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, 30 July - 3 August 2012
This summer school will present the research field of "quantum
to an audience of graduate students, postdocs and young researchers.
The aim of this field is to understand the dynamics of quantum (or
wave) systems admitting a chaotic classical counterpart. One is
especially interested in a precise description of the eigenvalues and
eigenmodes of the quantum Hamiltonian of such a system.
A paradigmatic example is the wave (or Schrödinger) equation on a
compact Riemannian manifold of
negative curvature, for which the quantum Hamiltonian is the Laplace
Beltrami operator.
The school will consist of several basic courses (elementary dynamical systems theory, semiclassical analysis, random matrices and random waves) which will introduce the subject to the students and other participants. They will be followed by more advanced talks presenting some spectacular recent progress.
The school is supported by the European Mathematical Society,
International Association of
Mathematical Physics and the Erwin
Schrödinger Institute, where it will take place. It will also
benefit from some funding from the National
Science Foundation.
It is organized by Nalini
Anantharaman (Orsay),
Nonnenmacher (Saclay), Zeév
Rudnick (Tel-Aviv) and Steve
Zelditch (Northwestern).