Conferences organised by the members of the IPhT in String Theory and related topics
- 2016: Second workshop on string theory and gender, IHP, Paris
- 2015: Workshop: de Sitter and microstate landscapes in String, Saclay
- 2014: 19th Itzykson Conference Amplitudes 2014, a Claude Itzykson memorial conference
- 2013: Forum de la théorie, CEA/Saclay
- 2013: 18th Itzykson Conference on String theory Frontiers of String Theory
- 2012: Amplitudes and Periods, IHES Bures-sur-Yvette
- 2012: Gauge Theory and String Theory, Cargèse School
- 2011: Workshop The supersymmetric, the extremal and the ugly - solutions in string theory, Saclay
- 2010: Cargèse school : String Theory: Formal Developments and Applications
- 2010: String Phenomenology 2010, Collège de France, Paris
- 2010: IHÉS/IPhT meeting at the Marylin and James Simons conference center at IHÉS
- 2009: The Twelfth Marcel
Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
(String Theory session)
- 2009: 14th Itzykson meeting on String theory
- 2008: Cargèse School Theory and Particle Physics: the LHC perspective and beyond
- 2008: Conference Wonders of Gauge theory and Supergravity
- 2007: Workshop Black holes, black rings and modular forms
- 2007: Les Houches school on String theory and the real world
- 2007: The twelveth conference Itzykson Integrability in Gauge and String Theory
- 2006: Cargèse School Strings and Branes: The present paradigm for gauge interactions and cosmology
- 2005: Workshop Pure Spinors Formalism in String Theory
- 2004: Strings 04
- 2004: Les Houches school on Applications of Random Matrices in Physics
- 2003: Les Houches school on
Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics & Geometry