0 dans la catégorie Preprints
129 dans la catégorie Articles
t23/025 Perturbation theory challenge for cosmological parameters estimation II.: Matter power spectrum in redshift space,
Osato K., Nishimichi T., Taruya A., Bernardeau F.
t22/069 Covariances of density probability distribution functions. Lessons from hierarchical models,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 663 A124 (2022)
t21/084 Numerical complexity of the joint nulled weak-lensing probability distribution function,
Barthélémy A., Bernardeau F., Codis S., Uhlemann C.
t21/083 Implementing spectra response function approaches for fast calculation of power spectra and bispectra,
Osato K., Nishimichi T., Taruya A., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 104 103501 (2021)
t20/206 Game of cones: A nulling strategy for modelling lensing convergence in cones with large deviation theory,
Barthélémy A., Codis S., Uhlemann C., Bernardeau F., Gavazzi R.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 10 1093-staa053 (2021)
t20/205 Power spectrum response of large-scale structure in 1D and in 3D: tests of prescriptions for post-collapse dynamics,
Halle A., Nishimichi T., Taruya A., Colombi S., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 10 1093-staa2878 (2020)
t20/183 Probability distribution function of the aperture mass field with large deviation theory,
Barthélémy A., Codis S., Bernardeau F.
t20/181 Nuw CDM cosmology from the weak lensing convergence PDF,
Boyle A., Uhlemann C., Friedrich O., Barthélémy A., Codis S., Bernardeau F., Giocoli C., Baldi M.
t20/113 Post-Born corrections to the one-point statistics of (CMB) lensing convergence obtained via large deviation theory,
Barthélémy A., Codis S., Bernardeau F.
t20/112 Observing Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations in tomographic cosmic shear surveys,
Bernardeau F., Nishimichi T., Taruya A.
t20/111 x-cut Cosmic Shear: Optimally Removing Sensitivity to Baryonic and Nonlinear Physics with an Application to the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Shear Data,
Taylor P. L., Bernardeau F., Huf E.
t19/230 Tomographic weak lensing bispectrum: a thorough analysis towards the next generation of galaxy surveys,
Rizzato M., Benabed K., Bernardeau F., Lacasa F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 490 4688-4714 (2019)
t18/194 K-cut Cosmic Shear: Tunable Power Spectrum Sensitivity to Test Gravity,
Taylor P. L., Bernardeau F., Kitching T. D.
Phys. Rev. D 98 083514 (2018)
t18/193 Perturbation theory challenge for cosmological parameters estimation: Matter power spectrum in real space,
Osato K., Nishimichi T., Bernardeau F., Taruya A.
Phys. Rev. D 99 063530 (2018)
t18/191 Information content of the weak lensing bispectrum for the next generation of galaxy surveys,
Rizzato M., Benabed K., Bernardeau F., Lacasa F.
t17/259 Cylinders out of a top hat: counts-in-cells for projected densities,
Uhlemann C., Pichon C., Codis S., Kim Juhan, L Huillier B., Bernardeau F., Prunet S.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 477 2772-2785 (2017)
t17/185 Large deviations theory approach to cosmic shear calculations: the one-point aperture mass,
Flose-Reimberg P., Bernardeau F.
t17/184 Hunting high and low: disentangling primordial and late-time non-Gaussianity with cosmic densities in spheres,
Uhlemann C., Pajer E., Pichon C., Nishimichi T., Codis S., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 474 2853-2870 (2017)
t17/183 Moving around the cosmological parameter space: a nonlinear power spectrum reconstruction based on high-resolution cosmic responses,
Nishimichi T., Taruya A., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 96 123515 (2018)
t17/181 A question of separation: disentangling tracer bias and gravitational non-linearity with counts-in-cells statistics,
Uhlemann C., Feix M., Pichon C., Bernardeau F., L Huillier B., Kim J., Laigle C., Park C., Shin J., Pogosyan D.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 473 1 (2018)
t17/102 A question of separation: disentangling tracer bias and gravitational nonlinearity with counts-in-cells statistics,
Bernardeau F.
t16/169 Two is better than one: joint statistics of density and velocity in concentric spheres as a cosmological probe,
Uhlemann C., Codis S., Hahn O., Pichon C., Bernardeau F.
t16/168 Encircling the dark: constraining dark energy via cosmic density in spheres,
Codis S., Pichon C., Bernardeau F., Uhlemann C., Prunet S.
t16/167 Beyond Kaiser bias: mildly non-linear two-point statistics of densities in distant spheres,
Uhlemann C., Codis S., Pichon C., Bernardeau F., Pogosyan D., Park C., L’Huillier B.
t16/113 Back in the saddle: Large-deviation statistics of the cosmic log-density field,
Uhlemann C., Codis S., Pichon C., Bernardeau F., Flose-Reimberg P.
t16/112 The large-scale correlations of multi-cell densities and profiles, implications for cosmic variance estimates,
Codis S., Bernardeau F., Pichon C.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 460 1598-1613 (2016)
t15/235 A Large Deviation Principle at play in Large-Scale Structure cosmology,
Bernardeau F., Flose-Reimberg P.
t15/146 The joint statistics of mildly non-linear cosmological densities and slopes in count-in-cells,
Bernardeau F., Codis S., Pichon C.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 449 105-109 (2015)
t15/142 Redshift-space distortions with wide angular separations,
Flose-Reimberg P., Bernardeau F., Pitrou C.
t15/141 Consistent Modified Gravity Analysis of Anisotropic Galaxy Clustering Using BOSS DR11,
Song Y.S., Taruya A., Linder E., Koyama K., Sabiu G., Zhao G.B., Bernardeau F., Nishimichi T., Okumura T.
t15/063 On the importance of nonlinear couplings in large-scale neutrino streams,
Dupuy H., Bernardeau F.
t14/244 Regularized cosmological power spectrum and correlation function in modified gravity models,
Taruya A., Nishimichi T., Bernardeau F., Hiramatsu T., Koyama K.
t14/243 Anomalous coupling of the small-scale structures to the large-scale gravitational growth,
Taruya A., Bernardeau F., Nishimichi Takahiro
t14/238 Cosmological Perturbation Theory for streams of relativistic particles,
Dupuy H., Bernardeau F.
JCAP 030 1475 (2015)
t13/385 Response function of the large-scale structure of the universe to the small scale inhomogeneities,
Nishimichi T., Bernardeau F., Taruya A.
Phys. Lett. B 09 035 (2013)
t13/292 Cosmic shear full nulling: sorting out dynamics, geometry and systematics,
Bernardeau F., Nishimichi T., Taruya A.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 445 (2) 1526-1537 (2014)
t13/276 Describing massive neutrinos in cosmology as a collection of independent flows,
Dupuy H., Bernardeau F.
JCAP 2014 030 (2014)
t13/274 Statistics of cosmic density profiles from perturbation theory,
Bernardeau F., Pichon C., Codis S.
Phys. Rev. D 90 103519 (2013)
t13/103 Precision modeling of redshift-space distortions from multi-point propagator expansion,
Taruya A., Nishimichi T., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 87 083509 (2013)
t13/102 Non-Gaussian Minkowski functionals & extrema counts in redshift space,
Codis S., Pogosyan D., Bernardeau F., Matsubara T.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Volume 435 531-564 (2013)
t12/217 RegPT: Direct and fast calculation of regularized cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order,
Taruya A., Bernardeau F., Nishimichi T., Codis S.
Phys. Rev. D 86 103528 (2012)
t12/169 Cosmic shear bispectrum from second-order perturbations in General Relativity,
Bernardeau F., Bonvin C., van de Rijt N., Vernizzi F.
Phys Rev Letters D 86 (2012)
t12/140 Cosmic propagators at two-loop order,
Bernardeau F., Taruya A., Nishimichi T.
Phys. Rev. D 89 023502 (2014)
t12/083 Power spectra in the eikonal approximation with adiabatic and non-adiabatic modes,
Bernardeau F., van de Rijt N., Vernizzi F.
Phys. Rev. D 87 043530 (2012)
t12/082 RegPT: Direct and fast calculation of regularized cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order,
Taruya A., Bernardeau F., Nishimichi T., Codis S.
Phys. Rev. D 86 103528 (2012)
t12/081 MPTbreeze: A fast renormalized perturbative scheme,
Crocce M., Scoccimarro R., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 427 2537-2551 (2012)
t11/261 Cosmological Large-scale Structures beyond Linear Theory in Modified Gravity,
Bernardeau F., Brax P.
JACP 1106 019 (2011)
t11/229 Cosmic shear bispectrum from second-order perturbations in General Relativity,
Bernardeau F., Bonvin C., van de Rijt N., Vernizzi F.
Phys. Rev. D 86 023001 (2011)
t11/223 Constructing Regularized Cosmic Propagators,
Bernardeau F., Crocce M., Scoccimarro R.
Phys. Rev. D 85 123519 (2011)
t11/222 Resummed propagators in multi-component cosmic fluids with the eikonal approximation,
Bernardeau F., van de Rijt N., Vernizzi F.
Phys. Rev. D 85 063509 (2011)
t11/219 Exact Results for Propagators in the Geometrical Adhesion Model,
Bernardeau F., Valageas P.
Phys. Rev. D 85 023516 (2012)
t11/099 Cosmological Large-scale Structures beyond Linear Theory in Modified Gravity,
Bernardeau F., Brax P.
JCAP 1106 019 (2011)
t10/195 CMB spectra and bispectra calculations: making the flat-sky approximation rigorous,
Bernardeau F., Pitrou C., Uzan J.-P.
JCAP 1102 015 (2011)
t10/173 Density fields and halo mass functions in the Geometrical Adhesion toy Model,
Valageas P., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 83 043508 (2011)
t10/114 Mode coupling evolution in arbitrary inflationary backgrounds,
Bernardeau F.
JCAP 1102 017 (2010)
t10/090 Multi-Point Propagators for Non-Gaussian Initial Conditions,
Bernardeau F., Crocce M., Sefusatti E.
Phys. Rev. D 82 083507 (2010)
t10/038 Gravity and non-gravity mediated couplings in multiple-field inflation,
Bernardeau F.
Class. Quantum Grav. 27 124004 (2010)
t10/032 The cosmic microwave background bispectrum from the non-linear evolution of the cosmological perturbations,
Pitrou C., Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F.
JCAP 1007 003 (2010)
t09/352 Full-sky lensing shear at second order,
Bernardeau F., Bonvin C., Vernizzi F.
Phys. Rev. D 81 083002 (2010)
t09/250 Merging and fragmentation in the Burgers dynamics,
Bernardeau F., Valageas P.
Phys. Rev. E 82 016311 (2010)
t09/244 The y-sky: diffuse spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background,
Pitrou C., Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P.
JCAP 1007 019 (2010)
t09/216 Eulerian and Lagrangian propagators for the adhesion model (Burgers dynamics),
Bernardeau F., Valageas P.
Phys. Rev. D 81 043516 (2010)
t09/200 Full-sky lensing shear at second order,
Bernardeau F., Bonvin C., Vernizzi F.
Phys. Rev. D 81 083002 (2010)
t08/162 Cosmic microwave background bispectrum on small angular scales,
Pitrou C., Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 78 063526 (2008)
t08/161 Multi-Point Propagators in Cosmological Gravitational Instability,
Bernardeau F., Crocce M., Scoccimarro R.
Phys. Rev. D 78 103521 (2008)
t08/160 Propagators in Lagrangian space,
Bernardeau F., Valageas P.
Phys. Rev. D 78 083503 (2008)
t08/022 Time drift of cosmological redshifts and its variance,
Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F., Mellier Y.
Phys. Rev. D 77 021301 (2008)
t07/123 Observational biases in Lagrangian reconstructions of cosmic velocity fields,
Lavaux G., Mohayaee R., Colombi S., Tully R. B., Bernardeau F., Silk J.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 383 1292-1318 (2008)
t07/025 Quelle est la nature de l'énergie sombre ?,
Bernardeau F.
Pour la Science 353 39 (2007)
t07/005 Non-Gaussianities in extended D-term inflation,
Bernardeau F., Brunier T.
Phys. Rev. D 76 043526 (2007)
t06/004 Shape of high order correlation functions in CMB anisotropy maps,
Brunier T., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 73 083524 (2006)
t05/282 Radiative corrections to scalar masses in de Sitter space,
Brunier T., Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P.
Phys. Rev. D 71 063529 (2005)
t05/222 Explicit computation of shear three-point correlation functions: the one-halo model case,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 441
t05/185 Les nouveaux enjeux de la cosmologie,
Bernardeau F.
Gazette des Mathématiciens 65-94
t04/110 Constraints on higher-dimensional gravity from the cosmic shear three-point correlation function,
Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted)
t04/109 Constraints on mode couplings and modulation of the CMB with WMAP data,
Prunet S., Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F., Brunier T.
Phys. Rev. D 71
t04/032 Modulated fluctuations from hybrid inflation,
Bernardeau F., Kofman L., Uzan J.-P.
Phys. Rev. D 70
t04/001 Les distorsions gravitationnelles pour cartographier lunivers,
Bernardeau F., Mellier Y.
Images de La Physique, CNRS 42-51
t03/183 Finite volume effects for non-Gaussian multi-field inflationary models,
Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P.
Phys. Rev. D 70 043533 (2004)
t03/182 High order correlation functions for self interacting scalar field in de Sitter space,
Bernardeau F., Brunier T., Uzan J.-P.
Phys. Rev. D 69 063520 (2004)
t03/117 Dark matter, dark energy, gravitational lensing and the formation of structure in the universe,
Bernardeau F.
Rep. Prog. Phys. 66
t02/177 Rapport d'Activité du Programme National de Cosmologie : Bilan 1997-2001 et Prospective,
Bernardeau F., Blanchard A., Désert F.-X., Giraud-Héraud Y., Pellat R., et al.+
t02/176 Dark energy, gravitational lensing and the formation of structure in the Universe,
Bernardeau F.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 16
t02/116 Inflationary models inducing non-Gaussian metric fluctuations,
Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P.
Phys. Rev. D 67 121301 (2003)
t02/115 Non-Gaussianity in multifield inflation,
Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P.
Phys. Rev. D 66
t01/205 Cosmic shear analysis in 50 uncorrelated VLT fields. Implications for $Řmega_0$, $\sigma_8$,
Maoli R., Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y., Schneider P., Jain B., Bernardeau F., Erben T., Fort B.
Astron. Astrophys. 368
t01/155 Cosmic Shear Statistics and Cosmology,
Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y., Radovich M., Bertin E., Dantel-Fort M., McCracken H.J., Le Fèvre O., Foucaud S., Cuillandre J.-C., Erben T., Jain B., Schneider P., Bernardeau F., Fort B.
Astron. Astrophys. 374
t01/144 Detection of non-Gaussian Signatures in the VIRMOS-DESCART Lensing Survey,
Bernardeau F., Mellier Y., Van Waerbeke L.
Astrophys. J. 389 L28-L32 (2002)
t01/143 Patterns in the weak shear 3-point correlation function,
Bernardeau F., Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y.
Astron. Astrophys. 397 405-414 (2003)
t01/142 Large-scale structure of the universe and cosmological perturbation theory,
Bernardeau F., Colombi S., Gaztañaga E., Scoccimarro R.
Phys. Rep. 367
t01/073 Source-lens clustering effects on the skewness of the lensing convergence,
Hamana T., Colombi S., Thion A., Devrient J., Mellier Y., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 330
t01/045 Testing Quintessence models with large-scale structure growth,
Benabed K., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 64 083501 (2001)
t01/028 La quintessence en physique des particules,
Bernardeau F.
Pour la Science 51
t00/169 Lensing at cosmological scales: a test of higher dimensional gravity,
Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 64 083004-[4 pages] (2001)
t00/155 Weak Lensing Predictions at Intermediate Scales,
Van Waerbeke L., Hamana T., Scoccimarro R., Colombi S., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 322
t00/091 Construction of the one-point PDF of the local aperture mass in weak lensing maps,
Bernardeau F., Valageas P.
Astron. Astrophys. 364 1-16 (2000)
t00/051 Cosmic strings lens phenomenology: General properties of distortion fields,
Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 63
t00/031 Detection of correlated galaxy ellipticities on CFHT data: first evidence for gravitational lensing by large-scale structures,
Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y., Erben T., Guillandre J.C., Bernardeau F., Maoli R., Bertin E., Mc Cracken H.J., Le Fèvre O., Fort B., Dantel-Fort M., Jain B., Schneider P.
Astron. Astrophys. 358
t00/030 CMB B-polarization to map the Large-scale Structures of the Universe,
Benabed K., Bernardeau F., Van Waerbeke L.
Phys. Rev. D 63 043501 (2001)
t99/121 Cosmic Statistics of Statistics,
Szapudi I., Colombi S., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 310
t99/120 Lensing effect on the relative orientation between the Cosmic Microwave Background ellipticities and the distant galaxies,
Van Waerbeke L., Bernardeau F., Benabed K.
Astrophys. J. 540 14-19 (2000)
t99/053 Halo correlations in nonlinear cosmic density fields,
Bernardeau F., Schaeffer R.
Astron. Astrophys. 349 (1999)
t99/052 Cosmic string lens effects on CMB polarization patterns,
Benabed K., Bernardeau F.
Phys. Rev. D 61
t99/038 Vorticity generation in large-scale structure caustics,
Pichon C., Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 343
t99/006 Nonlinearity and stochasticity in the density-velocity relationship,
Bernardeau F., Chodorowski M.J., Lokas E.L., Stompor R., Kudlicki A.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 309
t98/098 Scaling in gravitational clustering, 2D and 3D dynamics,
Munshi D., Bernardeau F., Melott A.L., Schaeffer R.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 303
t98/081 Efficiency of weak lensing surveys to probe cosmological models,
Van Waerbeke L., Bernardeau F., Mellier Y.
Astron. Astrophys. 342
t98/020 Lens distortion effects on CMB maps,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 338
t97/154 The effects of source clustering on weak lensing statistics,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 338
t97/153 The skewness and kurtosis of the projected density distribution function: validity of perturbation theory,
Gaztañaga E., Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 331
t96/122 Weak lensing detection in CMB maps,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. 324
t96/108 Weak lensing statistics as a probe of $Řmega$ and power spectrum,
Bernardeau F., Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y.
Astron. Astrophys. 322
t96/081 Extended perturbation theory for the local density distribution function,
Colombi S., Bernardeau F., Bouchet F.R., Hernquist L.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 287
t96/080 The Omega dependence of the velocity divergence distribution,
Bernardeau F., Van de Weygaert R., Hivon E., Bouchet F.R.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 290
t95/136 The large-scale gravitational bias from the quasi-linear regime,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. (1996)
t95/076 A new method for accurate velocity statistics estimation,
Bernardeau F., Van de Weygaert R.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2000)
t94/076 The angular correlation hierarchy in the quasilinear regime,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. (1995)
t94/063 Omega from the skewness of the cosmic velocity divergence,
Bernardeau F., Juszkiewicz R., Dekel A., Bouchet F.R.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (1995)
t94/059 Properties of the cosmological density distribution function,
Bernardeau F., Kofman L.
Astrophys. J. (1995)
t94/050 The effects of smoothing on the statistical properties of large-scale cosmic fields,
Bernardeau F.
Astron. Astrophys. (1994)
t94/025 The quasi-linear evolution of the density field in models of gravitational instability,
Bernardeau F., Singh T.P., Banerjee B., Chitre S.M.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2000)
t93/153 Skewness and kurtosis in large-scale cosmic fields,
Bernardeau F.
Astrophys. J. (2000)
t93/152 The nonlinear evolution of rare events,
Bernardeau F.
Astrophys. J. (1994)
t93/067 The fundamental plane of galaxy clusters,
Schaeffer R., Maurogordato S., Cappi A., Bernardeau F.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (1993)
t92/052 Dark and luminous matter in the universe,
Bernardeau F., Schaeffer R., Balian R.
t91/187 The quasi-gaussian density-velocity relationship,
Bernardeau F.
Astrophys. J. 390
t91/100 The gravity-induced quasi-gaussian correlation hierarchy,
Bernardeau F.
Astrophys. J. 392
t91/003 Galaxy correlations, matter correlations and biasing,
Bernardeau F., Schaeffer R.
Astron. Astrophys. 255
t90/171 Scale-invariant models of the galaxy and cluster luminosity functions,
Bernardeau F., Schaeffer R.
Astron. Astrophys. 250
17 dans la catégorie Proceedings
t07/122 Particle physics and cosmology: the fabric of spacetime,
Bernardeau F., Grojean C., Dalibard J.
Particle physics and cosmology: the fabric of spacetime
t06/043 Models of inflation with primordial non-Gaussianities,
Bernardeau F., Brunier T., Uzan J.-P.
AIP Conf. Proc. 861 821-828 (2006) Albert Einstein Century International Conference
t05/197 On lensing effects of cosmic strings,
Bernardeau F.
Cosmic Strings and Fundamental Strings
t04/156 Cosmology, an overview of the standard model,
Bernardeau F.
Colloque Cosmology: Facts and Problems
t04/155 Lensing on the Cosmic Microwave Background and its correlation with large-scale structure surveys,
Bernardeau F.
IAU Symposium 225 on Impact of Gravitational Lensing on Cosmology
t02/212 Weak Lensing Effect in Quintessence Models,
Benabed K., Bernardeau F.
t02/211 Cosmic shear review,
Van Waerbeke L., Tereno I., Mellier Y., Bernardeau F.
t01/206 Cosmic shear surveys,
Maoli R., Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y., Schneider P., Jain B., Bernardeau F., Erben T., Fort B.
arXiv:astro-ph/0101130 in: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Deep Fields
: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Deep Fields
t01/204 Terapixel Surveys for Cosmic Shear,
Mellier Y., Van Waerbeke L., Radovich M., Bertin E., Dantel-Fort M., Cuillandre J.-C., McCracken H.J., Le Fèvre O., Didelon P., Morin B., Maoli R., Erben T., Bernardeau F., Schneider P., Fort B., Jain B.
in: Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/MPE Workshop Mining the Sky
: Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/MPE Workshop Mining the Sky
t00/159 Cosmic Strings Lens Phenomenology Revisited,
Bernardeau F., Uzan J.-P.
arXiv:astro-ph/0008136 in: Proceedings of the XXth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting : Proceedings of the XXth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting in: Proceedings of the XXth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting Cosmological Physics with Gravitational Lensing
t00/076 The large-scale structures of the Universe,
Bernardeau F.
Nucl. Phys. B 87
(2000) in: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Topics in
Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 99)
t99/141 Gravitational Lenses for Cosmology,
Bernardeau F.
in: Proceedings of the Conference on Structure Formation in the
: Proceedings of the Conference on Structure Formation in the
in: Proceedings of the Conference on Structure Formation in the
t99/007 $Řmega$ from weak lensing survey,
Bernardeau F., Mellier Y., Van Waerbeke L.
in: Proceedings of the XIV IAP Symposium
: Proceedings of the XIV IAP Symposium
in: Proceedings of the XIV IAP Symposium
Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology
t96/109 Recent advances in gravitational lensing,
Mellier Y., Van Waerbeke L., Bernardeau F., Fort B.
Comptes rendus des VIIIes Rencontres de Blois on
Comptes rendus des VIIIes Rencontres de Blois on
Neutrinos, Dark Matter and the Universe
t95/074 Properties of the density PDF-s in the quasi-linear regime,
Bernardeau F.
in: Proceedings of the XXXth Rencontre de Moriond.
: Proceedings of the XXXth Rencontre de Moriond.
in: Proceedings of the XXXth Rencontre de Moriond.
Clustering in the Universe / Structuration de l'Univers
t93/154 What can we learn from the large-scale velocity field?,
Bernardeau F.
in: Proceedings of the 9th IAP Meeting on Cosmic Velocity Fields
: Proceedings of the 9th IAP Meeting on Cosmic Velocity Fields
t91/212 Matter and light fluctuations, the three-hierarchical model,
Bernardeau F., Schaeffer R.
2nd DAEC Meeting: The Distribution of Matter in the Universe
: The Distribution of Matter in the Universe
2 dans la catégorie Ouvrages
t13/293 La physique des infinis,
Bernardeau F., Klein E., Laplace S., Spiro M.
t08/021 Cosmologie, des fondements théoriques aux observations,
Bernardeau F.
EDP Sciences
8 dans la catégorie Cours
t13/273 The evolution of the large-scale structure of the universe: beyond the linear regime,
Bernardeau F.
t09/238 The growth of cosmological density perturbations,
Bernardeau F.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1132 42-85 (2009)
t07/223 Cosmologie et fluctuations promordiales,
Bernardeau F.
t03/189 Gravitational lensing; from $\mu$-lensing to cosmic shear experiments,
Bernardeau F.
t03/118 La formation des grandes structures de lunivers,
Bernardeau F.
t01/043 Gravitational lenses to probe the universe,
Bernardeau F.
New Astron. Rev. 45
t99/056 Gravitational Lenses,
Bernardeau F.
NATO Science Series C 541
t98/050 Cosmologie, la formation des grandes structures de l\'Univers,
Bernardeau F.
2 dans la catégorie These
t01/145 Les grandes structures de l'Univers, aspects linéaires et non-linéaires,
Bernardeau F.
t92/081 Formations, évolution et statistique des grandes structures de l'Univers,
Bernardeau F.
8 dans la catégorie Misc
t00/229 Cosmic shear with the CFHT,
Van Waerbeke L., Mellier Y., Erben T., Cuillandre J.-C., Bernardeau F., Maoli R., Bertin E., Mc Cracken H.J., Le Fèvre O., Fort B., Dantel-Fort M., Jain B., Schneider P.
t00/228 Cosmic shear with the VLT,
Maoli R., Mellier Y., Van Waerbeke L., Schneider P., Jain B., Erben T., Bernardeau F., Fort B.
t00/227 Phenomenology of gravitational lensing by cosmic strings,
Uzan J.-P., Bernardeau F.
t00/039 Cross-correlating CMB polarization with local large scale structures,
Benabed K., Bernardeau F., Van Waerbeke L.
t97/146 Velocity field statistics and tessellation techniques: unbiased estimators of Omega,
Van de Weygaert R., Bernardeau F.
t97/137 Dark matter and gravitational lensing,
Mellier Y., Bernardeau F., Van Waerbeke L.
t96/079 Large-scale structure formation in the quasi-linear regime,
Bernardeau F.
t96/005 The statistics of the large-scale velocity field,
Bernardeau F.