Dark Matter Simulations

Dark Matter Numerical Simulations

15-17 September 2014

IPhT CEA/Saclay


This will be an informal meeting on Dark Matter numerical simulations. It will consist in a small series of lectures on basic aspects from experts in the field and then a few seminars on recent selected topics. A special attention will be put on guiding participants with a different background along their learning curve and on stimulating interactions among them.

This is the second of a series of tiny-workshops held in the context of the activities of the ERC Starting Grant project: 'NewDark: New Directions in Dark Matter Phenomenology at the TeV Scale'. Support from the ERC is acknowledged.

Directions:  see this webpage .


Monday 15 September

14:00 - 15:30  Andrea Macciò  Simulating the Universe in a computer: The N-body approach to structure formation  slides    slides2  Salle 50
15:30 - 16:00    Coffee break    
16:00 - 17:30  Jesús Zavala  Investigating the nature of DM with numerical simulations of structure formation  slides  Salle 50

Tuesday 16 September

10:00 - 11:30  Greg Stinson  Adding Baryons to Simulations  slides  Salle 50
11:30 - 12:45  All participants  Discussion about lectures    Salle 50
14:30 - 15:15  Andrea Macciò  Some like it warm  slides  Salle 50
15:15 - 15:45    Coffee break    
15:45 - 16:30  Jascha Schewtschenko  DM structure formation in the presence of DM-radiation interactions  slides  Salle 50
16:30 - 17:15  Jesús Zavala  Dwarf galaxies in a Self-Interacting Dark Matter Universe  slides  Salle 50
20:00    Dinner at Le Ciel de Paris    

Wednesday 17 September

10:00 - 10:45  Greg Stinson  Starbursts + Outflows: A critical phase in galaxy formation  slides  Salle 50
10:45 - 11:15    Coffee break    
11:15 - 12:00  Pier Stefano Corasaniti  N-body simulations of Dark Energy dominated cosmologies  slides  Salle 50


Participants (preliminary list):

J.-M.Alimi Observatoire de Paris
S.Andreas IAP Paris
E.Armengaud SPP-CEASaclay
C.Arina IAP Paris
L.Blot Observatoire de Paris
P.Brax IPhT-CEA Saclay
C.Caprini IPhT-CEA Saclay
M.Cirelli IPhT-CEA Saclay
P.S.Corasaniti Observatoire de Paris
I.Dvorkin IAP Paris
S.Galli IAP Paris
G.Giesen IAP Paris
J.Gleyzes IPhT-CEA Saclay
S.Lavignac IPhT-CEA Saclay
A.Macciò MPIA Heidelberg
Y.Mambrini LPT Orsay
M.Mancarella IPhT-CEA Saclay
E.Menegoni Observatoire de Paris
E.Moulin SPP-CEA Saclay
P.Panci IAP Paris
F.Sala IPhT-CEA Saclay
J.Schewtschenko Durham U.
J.Silk IAP Paris
G.Stinson MPIA Heidelberg
N.Tamanini IPhT-CEA Saclay
M.Taoso IPhT-CEA Saclay
B.Trakhtenbrot ETH Zurich
F.Vernizzi IPhT-CEA Saclay
M.Volonteri IAP Paris
R.Wilkinson Durham U.
J.Zavala U. of Copenaghen


#744 - Last update : 11/12 2014


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