Heart of Darkness: Dark Energy and Modified Gravity - 17th Rencontres Itzykson (18-20 June 2012)
Tue, Jun. 19th 2012, 09:15
Amphi Claude Bloch, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers
noindent Invited Speakers: \ \ Eric Adelberger \ Pierre Astier \ Rachel Bean \ Francis Bernardeau \ Chris Blake \ Carsten van de Bruck \ Paolo Creminelli \ Cedric Deffayet \ Kurt Hinterbichler \ Wayne Hu \ Bhuvnesh Jain \ Justin Khoury \ Kozuya Koyama \ Eugene Lim \ Eric Linder \ Yannick Mellier \ Alberto Nicolis * \ Will Percival \ Rachel Rosen \ Sergei Sibiryakov \ Konstantinos Skordis * \ Atsushi Taruya \ Romain Teyssier \ Andrew Tolley \ Jean-Philippe Uzan \ (* to be confirmed) \ \ (http://indico.in2p3.fr/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=6388)

Contact : lbervas


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