Journée des thèses IPhT 2017 / IPhT PhD Day 2017
Tue, Nov. 14th 2017, 09:00-19:00
Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers

\noindent - 9h30-9h50 Santiago Migliaccio : Conformal bootstrap for non-diagonal CFTs in two dimensions. \\
- 9h50-10h10 Severin Charbonnier : Symmetries of correlation functions in the Ising model on random maps. \\
- 10h10-10h30 Romain Couvreur : Truncations of the Chalker-Coddington model. \\
- 10h30-11h00 Pause café \\
- 11h00-11h20 Christian Schmidt : Crowd sourcing seen through a spin-glass. \\
- 11h20-11h40 Orazio Scarlatella : Phase Transitions in Driven-Dissipative Quantum Many Body Systems. \\
- 11h40-12h00 Niall Robertson : Open Boundary Lattice Models with non-compact continuum limits. \\
- 12h00 - 14h00 Buffet \\
- 14h00 : Présentation des étudiants de 1ère année : Benjamin Aubin, Paul Caucal, Lilian Chabrol, Giuliano Giacalone, Vu Long, Felix Roy, Stefano Sarao, Yi Zhang.\\
- 14h10-14h30 Benoit Vallet : Twisted Spin Chain and Modified Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. \\
- 14h30-14h50 Pierre Heidmann : The quantum structure of black holes : the fuzzball proposal. \\
- 14h50-15h10 Kemal Bidzhiev : Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a quantum impurity model : numerics for particle transport and entanglement entropy. \\
- 15h10-15h30 Etienne Granet : Critical exponents in Bethe ansatz : computing finite-size corrections. \\
- 15h30-16h00 Pause café

Contact : lbervas


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