A Solvable Toy Model of Flat Space Quantum Gravity
Felipe Rosso
Wed, Mar. 15th 2023, 14:15
Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers
Although the quantum dynamics of gravity in a Universe with
vanishing cosmological constant is of indisputable theoretical interest, a
description that is both non-perturbatively complete and computationally
tractable is currently lacking. The aim of this talk is to show how a
two-dimensional toy model of flat space gravity, introduced by Cangemi and
Jackiw in the nineties, partially fills this gap. We argue it is the
simplest theory of flat gravity and show how precise bulk computations of
quantum observables can be non-perturbatively completed by a random matrix
(Based on arXiv:2205.02240, 2208.05974 and 2209.14372)